Thursday 10 January 2013

Games - Raze 2

Do you like sci-fi things? Introducing you to the most epic battle to save earth against the aliens who are trying to invade it!!! The role that you play in the game is the game is the raze hero... the only one who survived the deadly virus that wiped out all the other raze heroes! 

The game features a lot of cool weapons like the Electro Bolt and the Grenade launcher...This game features a lot of other things like powerups which are pretty cool and other features like quick match, the armory; where you can equip yourself for missions and find the combination that suits you most and, also in the armory buy equipment and abilities such as KATANA, CLOAK and STATIC FIELD.
 Raze has good graphics and better illustrations then the last Raze but the concept is still the same. It is a 3rd person shooter. Much like TDP4 ( another game reviewed by TECH X ) except way into the future. This game involves a lot of action and weapons also a lot of powerups which are quite useful and the tutorial is much more improved then the the previous RAZE tutorial. 

You can also see which is the right combination for you with weapons and we have some reccomendations...  for starters... if you like going for crotch shots then I would recommend the M9 BARRET. If you are not that good at aiming at your target I would recommend the PLASMA PISTOL as it follows you target. If you like full action like a shotgun then I would recommend the RIPPER. If you have good health and defence but need credits fast then try the GOLDEN MAUSER.
With Sidearms I recommend the UZI for close and fast combat. It is fast and does a lot of damage but not very accurate but its other stats compensate for that. If you want a fast kill with your sidearm use the MAGNUM. The magnum is a very slow but powerful weapon. It is not as powerful as to totally kill you but if you aim at the head... Your gone! If you want fire for your side arm use the BURST TORCH. The burst torch shoots small projectiles of fire that drain life quickly while also setting the enemy on fire. The PHOTON BLASTER is a very capable weapon... but only in the right hands. This weapon shoots multiple bullets made out of super heated plasma that leave any enemy pulverised. Now some people say that the VAMP CHARGER is arguably the most awesome weapon in the game. It has a unique ability of lifesteal and .... its just a deadly little machine. If you find your on low health and see a easy kill this is the weapon to use. It will give you life and drain the enemies life! 
Close range weapons are really good at well... close range! The SHOTGUN shoots 5 bullets and is very fast at killing but takes a long time to reaload. This is a good weapon for killing enemies who have got full health very fast. This is your general purpose shotgun. The PLASMA TORCH is a funny gun. It shoots tentacles that "cling" onto your enemies damaging them. This is a very fast and effective close range gun.  The ZAPPER is the fastest close range gun and when you use it, it looks like it is shooting continuosly. This is a very effective gun because it is probably the most accurate shotgun at a far range. Also it doesn't take too long to load. Also a good gun for range is the TERMINATOR. This gun is a very good gun because mainly of its range and accuracy. Unlike the other shotgun this only shoots 3 bullets but has good range so even when the enemy is far away the bullets can still hit. The PARTICLE CANNON is the upgraded model of the burst torch and it shoots many fire balls at once which will bounce of hard surfaces and then explode once a person comes in contact with it. It is useful for shooting on vital points where enemies have to stand and then boom the enemy is dead. 
Automatic weapons are usually fast and strong. These are a great back bone of you inventory. The ASSAULT RIFLE is a favourite among soldiers in the field. It easily kills the enemy because of its grate accuracy and speed. Also an effective gun to use is the BUBBLE BLASTER. It has no outstanding capability except one. It has a slight homing capability. This is very effective if you want to harm an enemy that is higher or lower then you. Also another great automatic weapon is the PRECISION LASER. This is very good for long range and fast killing with good damage but very slow fire rate. Use this weapon to kill at a medium-far ramge. It has excellent accuracy. The HAIL STORM is also a great automatic weapon. This weapon shoot hard balls of ice that bounce and hit the enemy. This is a great weapon to shoot hard to reach enemies because it bounces on walls and the floor. Another Automatic weapon that bounces is the ASSAULT BOUNCER. This weapon is named for its aftermath. After you fire it it expodes into multiple fire pellets that set fire to the enemy. This is a great all round weapon.
 Long Range weapons are especially good for head shots but shots and crotch shots. They include... The .50 CAL SNIPER. This weapon is excellent for shooting at the head and other sensetive areas. With an extremely long range it only takes a few shot to kill and enemy.  This is a good weapon for shooting at a far range with clear sight. Another good long range weapon is the RAILGUN. This is a very effective gun as it pierces through the opponent and can damage multiple enemies at once. This is good if your opponents are in a line and then you shoot because it will damage all of them. Another good long range weapon is the PULSATOR. This weapon is a powerful and long range weapon. It also explodes on contact and can kill multiple enemies. The only thing this weapon lacks compared to other long range weapons is accuracy. But this easily gets compensated by its splash damage. Another long range weapon is the HOLY GRAIL. This is probably the most powerful sniper rifle. It is said to draw it's power from the sun. Along with being extremely powerful this weapon also sets the enemy on fire which is a little bonus. It rarely leaves any foe behind. The only thing it lacks is ammo which is 2 in each clip. Another great weapon is the Electro Bolt. Once you shoot this weapon and hits its target it will split and damage other enemies around the target. Once it hits its target it can go through walls to hit it's enemy. This weapon is good for scattered enemies. 
The Heavy weapons class has a variety of weapons with different qualities. If you want fast close range kills then use the LASER MINIGUN. This gun shoots laser and is good for enemies not far from you. A great weapon to use is the SHREDDER with its unique quality of burrowing. It burrows into the ground and is great for shooting enemies below you. Burrowing multiplies its damage by 2. The FOCUS BEAM is a very powerful weapon. Though it has a very short range it is great for taking out you enemies. Use this weapon if you like going close range. This is very much like the ZAPPER. Another weapon is the DESTROYER. This weapon was once used by the Alien commander. It shoots beams that damage the enemy this is used for all round purposes. A super ultra high destruction weapon is the FLAMETHROWER. It is simply chaotic setting fire to everything around it including yourself! This is a good weapon if the enemy isn't to close to you and you have a steady hand. It can kill enemies or kill you! 

Finally the Explosives!!! These weapons probably deal the most damage. The one with the most splash damage will have to be the ROCKET LAUNCHER. This weapon shoots standard V-12 rockets and will kill a non shilded enemy in one shot. Evem if you miss and the rockets land near your target it doesn't really matter because the rocket launcher has a big splash damage radius. Also another good explosive weapon is the ION CANNON. Not only does this weapon smash the enemy but it sets them on fire too. This weapon is good for single targets whether strong or weak. This weapon has an excellent fire rate and it is very easy to handle. It also has a quick reaload too. Another unique weapon is the GRENADE LAUNCHER with it's stick ability. Once you fire it at an enemy it sticks and then you can run away from danger while this weapon does the work. It explodes ( not the weapon! ) This weapon is great for getting 'haunted'  kills. 
A great homing weapon is the ICE HUNTER. This weapon homes in on it's target. This weapon does not follow rockets or any other projectile just organic, living substances. And the most acidic weapon is the ACID HOUND. This weapon shoots out a barrage of highly corrosive acid that easily finish of your enemy. Be careful though as you can kill yourself with this weapon easily. 

In raze there are many types of maps to. There are Dome, Judgement, Crash Landing, Shipyard, Facility, Mines, Headquarters and Frostbite. Also there are 2 campaign types Human - Easy and Alien - Hard. 

 Thanks for reading and I hope you learned something. Thanks for all the support you guys have give and I really appreciate it. 

LOOKS | | | | | | | | | 9
INTERFACE | | | | | | | | | | 10
GRAPHICS | | | | | | | | 8
OVERALL | | | | | | | | 8   

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