This image is from deviantart.
Hello there everybody. Here is my next Team Fortress two post about the mysterious pyro. The Pyro is the third offensive class in Team Fortress 2 along with the soldier and scout. The pyro can do a lot of damage as an offensive class but can also be a great help if your team needs to be defensive. The pyro has one of the most deadly forces of nature on it's side... fire!
This is the Pyro's TF2 emblem. The pyro is armed with a flamethrower, shotgun and axe. The pyro is very good for defending friendly buildings with it's compression blast and it's sapper removing weapons like the homewrecker, maul and neon anihallator. Also the Pyro can get to normally unreachable places by using his detonator of scorch shot.
The basic strategy for the pyro is to use corners and hiding places to your advantage. Try ambushing enemies from the back or if ambushing enemies from the front the use the compression blast to disorientate them and then switch to your secondary or melee weapons to finish them of. If you are suspicious of a spy around occasionally spray your flamethrower in order to locate the spy and null his cloak effects. Also you can ambush enemies and set them on fire and just leave because if they cannot find a way to replenish their health then you will do 60 damage to them unless you are using the degreaser.
A brief description of the pyro:
The Pyro is a mentally unstable pyromaniac of unknown origin or gender. The pyro is voiced by Dennis Bateman and he is armed with a homemade flamethrower, shotgun and a fire axe. Also the pyro is able to unlock a flare gun too set enemies on fire.
Ok now we have covered the Pyro basics lets move onto his weapons.
The flamethrower is the stock primary weapon for the pyro. It inflicts 153 damage every second you hold it on them and 6 damage a second for 10 seconds for afterburn. Also the secondary fire button allows you to compression blast reflecting projectile and putting the fire of team-mates. Compression blast can push enemies away from you. A reskin of the default flamethrower is the rainblower.
This is the backburner. To use this weapon you have to be in the mentality of a spy. You have to sneak up on people from behind and then you get guaranteed crits which do 460 damage a second. It could kill a overhealed heavy in one second. Also when you are facing an enemy it does normal damage but compression blasts cost 50 ammo instead of the usual 20 which makes it a bit hard to reflect projectiles.
This is the degreaser. It is good for deadly combo's like the light on fire then crit axtinguish them because of it's 60% faster weapon switch. Also it is part of the polycount set which allows you to go 10% faster but you take more bullet damage. Also it deals 25% less afterburn and 10% less damage.
The phlogistinator can be one of the most dominating weapons in TF2. Apon dealing enough fire damage your MMMPH meter fills up and you taunt and this allows you to get full health back and 100% guaranteed critical hits for a short period of time. Also this weapon deals 10% less damage and cannot compression blast which is sad. When you have crits it is a good idea to charge at isolated people or straight head on allowing you to make the most out of your crits.
The shotgun is the stock secondary for the Pyro. This weapon is probably the pyros 'long-range' option. The shotgun is also shared with the soldier, the heavy and the engineer.
This is the flare gun. This weapon can be very helpful for the pyro and it can also be used for a deadly combo. Light people on fire and then shoot the flare gun to get crits for 90 damage and then 10 seconds of afterburn doing 6 damage every second. This weapon guaranteed crits anyone who is on fire not just the people you have set alight.
This is the detonator. As the name suggests when the flare is flying in the air you can detonate it causing anyone who is in the explosion radius to be set on fire and made to deal with afterburn. Also when a player is burning you can mini-crit them for 45 damage. Also you can 'detonator jump' and reach unreachable places but you suffer 25% more damage from yourself.
This is the reserve shooter. When you compression blast an enemy and they go flying switch this weapon out and you can get mini-crits while the opponent is airbourne. This weapon only has 3 shots loaded so make sure you have a full clip before doing this.
This is the Manmelter. When a team-mate is burning instead of wasting ammo trying to put them out you can remove the flames with the Manmelter. When you extinguish the flames you get one guaranteed critical hit and the man-melter can store up to 35. This weapon has a 50% projectile speed increase but has a 20% firing speed decrease.
This is the Scorch Shot. This weapon 15 damage and does not do extra damage when an enemy is on fire. When you direct hit someone the flare falls on the ground for a little while potentially igniting anyone who touches it. The flare has a small igniting radius and can knock back people when fired at their feet.
This is the Pyro's stock melee item. The fire axe does 65 damage and does 195 damage for crits. It's skins are... the frying pan, the conscientious objector, freedom staff, bat outta hell, memory maker, ham shank, saxxy (saxton hale statue) and the lollichop which can only be seen in Pyroland.
This is the Axtinguisher. When an enemy is burning this weapon does 100% crits doing 195 damage but this weapon vs non burning players is a bad idea because it does 50% less damage and there is no random crits against non-burning players. This weapon can be used in a deadly combo but if not then it is pretty useless. Another skin of this item is the Postal Pummeler.
This is the Homewrecker. The homewrecker is mainly used for destroying buildings and helping your friendly engineers by removing their sappers. It does 25% less damage to enemies but double damage to buildings. A skin of this item is the Maul.

This weapon is the Back Scratcher. It deals an addtional 25% damage and gets 50% more health from health packs. Unfortunately when you equip this weapon medics and dispensers 75% less health is given.
This is the sharpened volcano fragment. When you hit someone with it they get engulfed with flames. But unfortunately this weapon does 20% less damage but it still has 6 damage a second for 10 seconds afterburn. This is good for hitting someone and then backing up and hitting them for a crit with the flare gun.
This weapon is the third degree. It does normal damage and does not have a negative effect which is a straight up upgrade from the fire axe. What this weapon does is it connects it's damage through medigun beams. This is good for ambushing the medic and taking him by surprise because not only are you damaging him you are damaging whoever he is healing.
This weapon is called the Neon Anihillator. This is a very situational item in TF2 because it does 100% guaranteed crits when the enemy is wet whether it be from water, jarate or mad milk. But this weapon also does 20% less damage and has no random crits. Another upside is you can protect you engineers buildings because this weapon removes sappers.

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