Hey everybody,
This is my 3rd post in my chain of 10 Team Fortress 2 posts. This is the soldier post.
Soldier is one of the most easiest classes to play in team fortress 2. It is the second offensive class and can really help your team in the time of need it his all powerful rockets. The soldier has the special ability to rocket jump which allows him to reach normally unreachable places. Soldier has 200 health which can come in handy sometimes but he has slower movement speed. Soldier is a great backbone to the team.
A brief description of the soldier:
The soldier is a stereotypical high patriotic and an army man (he was never in the army). He is armed with a rocket launcher, shotgun and a shovel.
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Beta emblem |
This is the soldiers Team Fortress 2 emblem. His beta emblem is his hat as shown:
The soldiers name is unknown but he is voiced by Rick May.
Now we have covered all the basic soldier stuff lets move onto the weapons.

normally does 90 damage and its crit does 270. The further away you are the less damage the rocket launcher does.

The direct hit is a weapon for people with spot-on aim like its name suggests. It has extra damage (dealing 112 damage) but it's splash damage is less. The rockets fire 80% faster and it minicrits airbourne enemies.
The Black Box is a good weapon to use in tough situations. Though it only has 3 rockets loaded it gives you 15 health on hit (no overheal). This is part of the Tank buster set.
This is the rocket jumper. This weapon is only good for and designed for rocket jumping. You take and give no damage and you get 200% more primary ammo for it. Good with market gardener.
The liberty launcher fires rockets 40% faster then the default. Though it has only three rockets this weapon can help if you have trouble aiming your mouse to where the enemy is going to move.
The Cow mangler 5000 can be either good or bad in some circumstances. It only deals 81 damage and cannot crit which is sad but when you right click you charge a shot that depletes all your ammo but does minicrits and 6 seconds of afterburn. This weapon does not require ammo.
This is the beggars bazooka. In some circumstances this weapon can be overpowered but in others not overpowered. You can load up 3 rockets in the chamber and then fire them simultaneously. This weapon has 3 degrees projectile deviation and overloading the chamber causes you to self inflict damage. Also you cannot collect ammo from dispensers and you have a 30% slower reload time.
The soldiers stock secondary is the shotgun. It does 60 base damage and 180 and can be also used by the pyro, the heavy and the engineer.

The buff banner is a very tactical item. When you deal 600 damage over one life your 'rage' meter charges up. When it fully charges then you get 10 seconds of guaranteed mini-crits.
These are the gunboats. The are a shoe secondary item replacement for the soldier. This item decreases the self inflicted blast damage by 60% therefore allowing you to do more rocket jumps before you die.
This is the Battalions Backup. To charge this weapon you have to take 300 damage. When it is charged you can get critical damage immunity and you take 35% less damage. The charge lasts for 10 seconds.

This is the reserve shooter. You get a 15% faster weapon switch and it mini-crits airbourne targets for three seconds after you switch it. Ideally with this weapon is you are meant to knock the target up into the air and then get three meat-shot mini-crits on them and when they are in the air. This weapon also only has 3 shots loaded.
This is the Righteous bison. It is part of Dr. Grordbots victory pack. This wepon shoots electrical projectiles instead of actual bullets. Also it can hit a target more than once (like bullets). Like all Dr. Grordbot weapons this weapon does not require ammo so it is ideal for camping on unreachable places. This weapon can light huntsman arrows on fire but it does 20% less damage to buildings.
This is the soldiers stock secondary. It does 65 damage at it's base and 195 for crits. It's other skins are... the frying pan, the conscientious objector, freedom staff, bat outta hell, memory maker, ham shank and the saxxy (saxton hale statue).

This is the Pain-train. It adds one extra point onto your capture rate which can be very helpful but the big downside is it raises your bullet vulnerability by 10 % meaning soldiers,engineers, pyros, heavies, snipers, spies and scouts can deal extra damage to you which is 7 out of the nine classes. This is good if you desperately need to capture the control point or a payload point.
This is the half-zatoichi (pronounced half-za-to-ichi). This is a great weapon to use as soldier because when you kill someone it restores you to 100% health which is great as it allows you to keep doing your work. Also if someone else on the other team has this weapon active then you can kill them with one shot no matter if they have one health or 300 health one shot kill! Also when you draw the half-zatoichi you have to kill someone before you can switch weapons.
This is the disciplinary action. When you hit an ally it allows you to boost the speed of both yourself and your ally. Also it has a 70% longer melee range so you don't have to be right in your enemies face to hit them. Unfortunately this weapon does 10% less damage. This weapon is good for getting both you and your allies the front lines faster.
This weapon is the market gardener. When you are rocket jumping this weapon allows crits. This is a great team with the rocket jumper as you can rocket jump without taking any damage.

This weapon is the escape plan. As you health decreases your movement speed increases but only when this weapon is active. Also like the equaliser when this weapon is drawn you cannot get healed by a medic and you cannot call for the medic.
Thank you all so much for reading. That is it for my soldier post and sorry for the long time with no posts I had a lot of things to do. Bye !!!!!
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