Saturday, 6 April 2013

Movie News - Star Wars Episode 7

Woah... What?
Yep, disney has bought over Lucasfilm who was the original producer of the star wars movies. They are making a star wars episode 7 directed by J.J Abrams. I just heard this news a week ago and I figured I can do a blog post on it. It is coming out in 2015 so that is in awhile but a lot of people are looking for it. On the Internet litterally thousands of people are writing stuff about it and there is a 'latest news feed' of the movie too. 


 Anthony Daniels is C3P0 
 Billy Dee Williams is Lando Calrissian
 Carrie Fisher is Leia Solo
 Mark Hamill is Luke Skywalker
Harrison Ford is Han Solo

There are a lot of websites on Star Wars episode 7.

The name is rumored to be Rise of the Skywalkers. 
check out more on other sites like

Ok thanks for reading bye!  

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