A game that is becoming increasingly popular. Its cheesy illustrations, original tower defence concept, Tower upgrades, achievements, heroes and its latest addition.... The shop!
arcane wizard or a sorcerer mage. Your last tower is a dwarven bombard. This can be upgraded to dwarven artiller, dwarven howitzer, TESLAx104 or a 500mm big bertha.
To add to the excitement of Kingdom rush a 'hero' option has been added to the game. This enables you, though at the sacrifice of 15 stars, to make an all powerful hero to join you on the battlefield and pwn all the enemies. The more war experience the hero gets the better the hero becomes! Here are a couple heroes.
The makers of this game are ironhide studios. I think that they have done a great job making such a wonderful and enjoyable game. I also am hearing about this thing called the kingdom rush sequel. It looks pretty good and I am waiting to hear some more news or to see some trailer videos. Again I guarantee that the sequel will be a great success.
LOOKS | | | | | | | | | | 10
FUN | | | | | | | | | 9
PRICE OF HEROES | | | | | | | 7
OVERALL | | | | | | | | | 9
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