Saturday 3 August 2013

Zap - Quick Soft Drink facts

Hey guys!

So after a long time with no 'Zap' posts I finally did one so here you go...

Soft drinks include Coke, Fanta, Sprite, Dr Pepper, LA Ice and heaps of other awesome types but behind all the fizz there is more than meets the eye. In this post I will be writing some facts on Soft Drinks and if you have a favourite drink leave it in the comments section.

1. American estimates show that consuming just one can of soft drink per day can make you 6.75 kg heavier in a year. Source:

2. In the terms of acidity, soft drinks are closer to battery acid then milk. Source:

3.Two out of three adults and one out of three children in the United States are overweight or obese, and the nation spends $190 billion every year treating obesity health conditions. Source:

4. A typical 0.5 kg (20 ounce) soda contains 15 - 18 teaspoons and each teaspoon approx holds 6 grams of sugar and it is more that 240 calories. Source:

5. From 1989 to 2008, calories from sugary beverages increased by 60% in children ages 6 to 11, from 130 to 209 calories per day, and the percentage of children consuming them rose from 79% to 91%.

 6. The Coca-Cola company has 3,500 drinks that it is making and if you were to try one everyday it would take around 9 years to sample them all. Source:

7. Lithium citrate is a mood stabilising drug that is used to treat deppresion. Now you have to take it by prescription but back then it was in a drink called 7UP. Source:

8. Soft Drinks are the Number 1 source of calories in America. Now americans drink around 2 cans of soda per day on average. Source:

9. When you put Normal Coke in water it sinks but when you put diet Coke in water it floats. This is due to the sugar in the Coke is weighing more than the artificial sweetener in diet Coke.  Source:

10. Coca Cola is the number 1 selling soft drink in the world except for Scotland and the Middle East. Scottish have their own locally produced soft drink called Irn-Bru. Source:

11. If you drink 600mL of soft drink everyday then by the end of the year you will have consumed 23kg's of sugar. Source:

12. 47% of children consume soft drinks every day.  Source:

13. There is 9 packets of sugar in a sports drink. Source:

14. A Diet Soft drink a day could increase the chances of getting cardiovascular disease. Source:

15. The top 10 soft drink types in the world are...
1. Coca - Cola (classic) 
2. Diet Coke
4.Mountain Dew
5.Dr. Pepper
7.Diet Pepsi
8.Diet Mountain Dew
10.Diet Dr. Pepper

Thanks for reading. Please submit your reaction or write a comment. 

  BYE :)

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